David had a friend who invited him to join a car trading business. His friend convinced him that the business could guarantee a very bright future for them in terms of money as it is highly profitable. However, there was a catch: David and his friend needed to pump in a huge amount of money to re-start up the business. David agreed with his friend’s proposal as providing such a big capital is not his problem. Once he joined the business, David noticed a flaw in the management of the company. David sensed that the CEO did not know how to lead his teams. A lot of time was wasted on meetings because the team does not do things as per instructed by the CEO, resulting in David needing to step in. All David saw was a problem in the CEO’s leadership. The goals of the CEO and the employees were not aligned altogether.
Leadership Coaching Questions: 7-Element Model (AGOWAL)
Goals (SMART)
Way Forward
Lessons Learnt
The AGOWAL model may seem like a tedious process to put into practice to lead and coach your people. You may be interested to implement this model but you plan not to depend 100% on the model. Well, from my experience, I have always been implementing this model without skipping a single element. I tried a number of times to experiment the effect of the model by skipping one or two elements and let me tell you, the effective leadership effect cannot be achieved if you do so. So we are in lockdown of COVID-19 Pandemic, you may feel awkward to ask a bunch of questions when social distancing. AGOWAL works even better for me with 3 rules apply no matter meeting or coaching. 1st rule is to set the tone for turning the camera on to talk eye to eye. 2nd be conscious that both parties environment sense no disturbance. 3rd pay attention to detail with your sensory acuity, rephase what had been said for clarity. You will eventually get used to it as long as both parties started by respect time and space.